Ellie Myers began studying violin at the age of 9 and studied with Suzuki teacher Betsy Fee-Elliott of SC as well as with Dr. Brandon Ironside at Bob Jones University. She received her BME from BJU with a proficiency in piano and a secondary focus in violin in 2021. She participated in the BJU symphony orchestra throughout her time in college as a violinist and is now a member of the Detroit Community Orchestra, where she acts as the principal second violinist. She is currently a music teacher at Inter-City Baptist School in Allen Park, MI, where she teaches elementary music classes and special groups, gives private lessons in piano and violin, and directs the junior high choirs. Ellie is actively involved in the music at her church, playing violin in the orchestra and accompanying singing on violin or piano. In addition to making music, Ellie enjoys exercise, learning languages, traveling, baking, and being with family.